
Chang Yu-Kung, previous vice president of FJU, observed the worldly new trend for information management, and established the first Information Management Department in Taiwan in 1981. Both student developments and related educational events involvements are emphasized a lot during professor Chang Yu-Kung was on board.We have expanded our class number from one to two since 1986, and the maximum student enroll number from 60 to 120. Master program was founded in 2000 with 26 students each year. Evening master program was founded in 2003 with 30 students each year.Currently, our department has 17 faculties (6 professors, 4 associate professors, 7 assistant professors), 3 secretaries and 2 teaching assistants, 60 students in evening master program, 44 students in master program, and 440 students in undergraduate program.We expect to involve our efforts to the society, also cooperate closely with business fields, and to enhance the level of information management at different areas with the help of students, businesses, and government.